夏华:黑夜的精靈-刘丽芬个展 Xia Hua: Nattalv – Solo exhibition by Liu Lifen

藝術家: 劉麗芬
策 展: 夏華
開幕時間:10月21日 週四 11-18時
藝術家劉麗芬新近創作的一批油畫作品,即將在奧斯陸GalleryF48畫廊展出。 展覽命名為« Nattalv »/ «黑夜的精靈»,寓意來自於對她的作品畫面的視覺觀感,另一方面來自於感受之後引發的觸動。
藝術家麗芬在疫情期間,有更多獨處的時間,與女兒安靜地居住在瑞典。 和所有人一樣,多數的時間,她們與人群和外界暫時隔離。 但與自然有了更加親密的聯繫。 麗芬時常帶著女兒去附件的山林散步,春天採摘野菜,花朵,曬玫瑰茶,釀製玫瑰蜜。 夏天採摘野漿果,做越橘, 覆盆子醬。 到了秋天,就在樹林裡採蘑菇。
她邊畫下森林圖景和自然的意象,伴隨著密集輕盈的羽毛,種子和蘑菇。 畫面中總是出現的孩子,既像她漸漸長大的女兒,也像毛茸茸的精靈。我相信,這位旅居瑞典的中國女藝術家,在創作完成這批作品時,並沒有準備對某種宏大敘事有所預設,而是心無雜念,依著本心畫畫。 那些終日環繞在日常生活之間的自然和時光,以及藝術家源源不絕的想像力,牽引出了某種空靈和安穩自在。 這些孩子和自然之物成為一個整體,黑色意味著無窮盡的寬厚和力量,這些美麗的生物被置於護佑之中。
歐洲民間的魔法世界傳說,相當於中國的上古神話«山海經»。 其中關於黑夜精靈的傳說就是一部獨立的史詩。 在挪威語里叫做Nattalv,也喻為群星的孩子。 漫長歷史里的精靈種族經歷過三次戰爭,無非是與邪惡力量,神族權力進行的較量。 我願意只鞠取這個名字本身所附有的寓意,黑夜的精靈是一群具有力量、智慧和不朽源泉的種族,也是自然世界的保護者。 從此意義上說,藝術家筆下的這批黑夜的精靈,記錄的正是從邪惡的病毒世界退回至自然和田園,並繼續成長的美好歲月片段。
更多請瞭解: https://www.galleryf48.com/copy-of-home-1
Nattalv – Solo exhibition by Liu Lifen
Duration: Oct 21 0 Nov 14, 2021
Opening: 11-18pm, Oct 21, 2021
Address: Frognerveien 48B. 0266 Oslo
Foreword by Xia Hua
The painting series, which is exhibited in Gallery F48, was recently created by the artist Liu Lifen. The exhibition is called “The Night Elf”, which is based on the visual perception of her works of art.
During the pandemic 2020-2021, the artist Lifen had more time alone and lived quietly with his daughter in Sweden. Like everyone else, they were temporarily isolated from the crowd and the outside world. But it is a more intimate connection with nature. Mora often takes her daughter with her to walk in the nearby fields and forests, they pick wild vegetables, flowers, make rosette and brew rose honey in the spring. They picked wild berries, and made lingonberries and raspberry jam in the summer. In the autumn, they pick mushrooms in the forest.
Lifen paints pictures of the forest and nature, accompanied by dense and light feathers, seeds and fungi. The child is always shown in the pictures, changed as she grows up, but also as a night elf. I believe that this Chinese female artist was not prepared to assume a specific,magnificent narrative, without distracting thoughts, but followed her original heart, which surrounds her daily life. And meanwhile, as well as in the artist’s endless imagination, Lifen brought out a kind of ethereal calm. These children and natural objects become a whole in the paintings. The black background means infinite generosity and strength, and these beautiful creatures are under protection.
The European folk legends about the magical world correspond to the ancient Chinese mythology. Among them, the legend of the night rivers is an independent epic. The exhibition is called Nattalv in Norwegian, The Night Elv in English and is also referred to as Stjernenes barn. The elves in the long history have experienced three wars, nothing more than a competition with evil forces and the power of Protoss. I use the meaning attached to the name itself. Night elves are a group with a source of strength, wisdom and immortality, and they are also protectors of the natural world to this day. In this sense, the artist registers nocturnal elves that retreat from the evil virus world to nature and the countryside and continue to grow.