
  • SWEET HOME – Lifen Liu solo exhibition

    SWEET HOME    – Lifen Liu solo exhibition

    27 jan – 11 feb 2024      

    Vernissage lördag 27 jan kl 11 – 15

    Författarscen i samarbete med SmåLit 4 feb kl 14 med Anna Mellergård, Lan Xu, Lifen Liu och Hanna Sahlberg


    tisdag, onsdag 11–15 

    torsdag 11-18 

    fredag 11-16 

    lördag, söndag 11–15  

    Adress: Svavelsticksgränd 23, 55315 Jönköping


    About Lifen Liu 

    Lifen Liu har under många år inspirerats av den svenska skogen, och flyttade till Mariannelund i september 2020. Lifen Liu kommer från Kunming i provinsen Yunnan som ligger i sydvästra Kina. Hon är utbildad vid den traditionella vattenfärgslinjen på Yunnan Art Institute. Där studerade hon bland annat gamla kinesiska måleritekniker på rispapper och silke med motiv som bergslandskap, vatten, himmel, växter och fåglar. Men trots denna klassiska skolning har Lifen Liu ett helt eget samtida uttryck som konstnär. I hennes bildvärld rör sig kvinnor och män, djur och barn in i och ut ur varandra. Hennes tvådimensionella skapandet har också varvats med performance. 

    Lifens målningar har en yttre lätthet i de tunna, tunna penseldragen med transparenta fält och ett inre djup med känslostämningar som förmedlar det svåra och såriga men också en nyfikenhet och längtan.

    Lifen Liu har varit “artist in residence” i Australien, USA, Sverige och Schweiz och erhållit stipendier till både utställningar och gästbesök på flera platser i världen.

    Mer info om Lifen Liu finner du på

    Text excerpted from Anna Mellergård’s article published in the first issue of NOD 2023: 

    ……Hennes bildvärld är så uppenbart berättelser från olika perioder och livsfaser. Mörka kapitel om kriser, sorg och död avlöses av ljusare kapitel om födelse, växande och liv. Ändå kan det vara lätt att missa att hennes konst rymmer starka känslor om man inte får tillgång till helheten. Men det blir desto tydligare om man får möjlighet att se hennes verk retrospektivt. År 2003, på Lista Fyr i Norge, ställde hon ut en serie mörka – läs svarta – bilder där det alltid fanns en ensam kvinna i centrum. Ibland med förbundna ögon, ibland sittandes spänt längst ut på en stol, blek och sorgsen. Det var en prövosam period i Liu Lifens liv. Den följdes av en period då konsten i mycket handlade om det komplicerade samspelet mellan man och kvinna. Till den perioden hör det knallrosa porträttet av en man med bröst som hörselskydd, en humoristisk och sorgsen iakttagelse på en och samma gång. I och med dottern Moli’s födelse började en ny period. Ett nytt uttryck, nya former, ett annat ljus. Naturen, svamparna, skogen. Barnet, ibland som ett sagoväsen, ibland som en liten underlig insekt klättrandes över en blommas kronblad eller en figur med stövlar i form av svampar. Eksjö museum fångar det i beskrivningen av hennes utställning denna vinter. “Liu Lifens målningar har en yttre lätthet i de tunna penseldragen, med transparenta fält och ett inre djup med känslostämningar som förmedlar det svåra och såriga men också en nyfikenhet och längtan.

  • Kinesiska skogsmeditationer

    Kinesiska skogsmeditationer

    Liu Lifen flyttade till Mariannelund 2020. Hon kommer från Kunming i sydvästra Kina och är utbildad vid Yunnan Art Institute. Där studerade hon bland annat traditionella kinesiska måleritekniker. Liu Lifens målningar har en yttre lätthet i de tunna penseldragen med transparenta fält och ett inre djup med känslostämningar som förmedlar det svåra och såriga men också en nyfikenhet och längtan.

    Välkommen till vernissage Lördag 14 januari klockan 13.

    Vernissage Lördag 14 januari klockan 13.

    Utställningen visas 14 januari – 19 mars 2023.

    Address: EKSJÖMUSEUM, Österlånggatan 31, Eksjö, Sweden

    Oppet: tisdag – söndag 11-15


    Forest Meditations

    Opening: January 14, 13:00, 2023

    Address: Eksjö Museum, Österlånggatan 31, Eksjö, Sweden

    Duration: January 14- March 19, 2023

    Open hours: Tuesday- Sunday 11-15pm




    展期:2023年1月14日- 3月19日

    地址: Eksjö 博物馆, Österlånggatan 31, Eksjö,瑞典

  • Forest Fantasy 奇幻森林

    Hyllie Park Folkhögskola 25-Years Celebration! Welcome to join my solo exhibition opening and concert by old friend Per-Erik Hallin!

    Opening: 18:00, November 30, 2022

    Location: Elinelundsvägen 55, Malmö, Sweden

    Hyllie Park 学院25周年庆,我的个展和老朋友Per- Erik Hallin音乐会!欢迎在瑞典的朋友们出席

    开幕式时间:11月30日 晚18:00

    Hyllie Park Folkhögskola FIRAR 25år och bjuder in till en festkväll 30 november! Välkommen

  • Interview Luo Fei + Liu Lifen #住在2020#  #Living in 2020#   

    按: 2020爆发的新冠大流行已经成为二十一世纪全人类遭遇的重大挫 折,我们曾经认为理所当然的经济增长和全球化变得极为不确定。这种不 确定性不止在宏观经济、政治和社会层面发生作用,在个人心理层面也 同样发生着令人担忧的影响。突发、应急、停顿、封锁、焦虑、怀疑甚至 失去生命……减少旅行,减少预期……人类正在经历并尝试适应一种由病 毒全球化带来的新状况,互联网成为唯一安全的沟通方式乃至替代现实, 然而一套基于算法的技术也正在塑造另一个强大的具有自我扩张意识的系 统。还有紧迫的气候问题,贫富差距问题……这不会是一个短暂的时刻, 病毒正在教会人类去适应一种“新生活”。只是这一切的惶恐与不安在 2020年被新冠大流行放大在我们面前。 

    作为时间的2020即将过去,我们如何去描述去回顾这样一个具有节 点性的一年,在最微观最具体的个人日常生活层面,我们如何让生活继 续…… 

    作为空间的2020,我们已经被迫卷入其中并感受到它的扩张。它也已 然成为一个我们停留其中的地方,一个被重新命名的异乡。当我们旅居其 中,如何保持节奏,如何保持优雅,如何保持信心,如何从我们所在的地 方重新发现可能性…… 

    “住在2020”系列访谈从最初跟几位远在他方的朋友的聊天问候变成 了一个不断生长的自述文本,2020也从一个即将告别的年份变成一个“房 间号”,认识的或不认识的朋友陆续聚集在这里,分享他们的生活与思 绪。感谢每一位参与访谈的艺术家们! 

    “住在2020”系列访谈是“实地想象”自媒体在不平凡的2020年末与 生活在世界各地的艺术界朋友们的联络与问候,借着大家的自述,希望由 此可能勾勒出这个特殊时期人们具有怎样坚韧的品格、丰富的心灵世界和 创造力。“实地想象”是由策展人、艺术家罗菲主持的自媒体平台,关注 当代艺术家的在地实践、对话与反思。 

    罗菲 2020年12月

    Note: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has become a major setback for all mankind in the 21 century, the economic growth and optimistic globalization we once took for granted have become extremely uncertain. This uncertainty plays a role not only at the macroeconomic, political and social levels, but also at the individual psychological level. Sudden, emergency, pause, lockdown, anxiety, suspicion and even loss of life… Reduce travel, reduce expectations… Human beings are experiencing and trying to adapt to a new situation brought about by the globalization of COVID-19. At the same time, Internet has become the only safe way of communication or even a substitute for reality. However, a set of algorithm-based technology is also shaping another powerful system together with its self-expansion. There are also pressing climate issues, the gap between the rich and the poor… This will not be a short moment, the virus is teaching humans to adapt to a “new life”. It’s just that all these fears and uneasiness were magnified in front of us by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. 

    2020 as time is almost over, how do we describe how to look back on such a nodal year, in the most microscopic and specific aspects of our daily life, how can we keep life going… 

    2020 as a space, we have been forced to get involved and feel its expansion. It has also become a place where we stay, a foreign land that has been renamed. We live in it; how do we keep the rhythm? How do we maintain elegance? How do we maintain confidence? How do we rediscover possibilities from where we are? 

    The “live in 2020” series of interviews has changed from the initial chat greetings with some friends far away to a group of growing self-portrait text. 2020 has also changed from a year of farewell to a “room number”. Friends we know or don’t know have gathered here to share their lives and thoughts. Thank all the artists who participated in the interview! 

    The “live in 2020” series of interviews is planned by Field Imagination. Through everyone’s self-portrait description, we hope to outline how tenacious character, rich spiritual world and creativity some people have in this special period. Field Imagination is a self media platform hosted by the curator and artist Luo Fei, focusing on the local practice, dialogue and reflection. 

    Luo Fei, Dec 2020 

    罗菲: 2020年这一年你生活在哪里?(国家-城市或村庄)请描述一下那个地方 和附近的情况。 

    刘丽芬:2020年8月前我生活在瑞典东南部的锡姆里斯港市,随后搬到了玛丽安娜隆 德镇。锡斯姆港市是从中世纪保存下来的旅游海滨古城,风景如画。拥有三四百 年历史的低矮渔民房子色彩缤纷,家家户户门前屋后种了各种颜色的蜀葵和爬藤 玫瑰,鸟类众多。海岸沿线的自行车道可骑行至瑞典南部城市马尔默,长满了芳香的玫瑰花。


    Luo Fei: Where do you live in 2020? Please describe the place and the surrounding environment.

    Liu Lifen: Before August, I lived in Simrishamn, Southeast Sweden, and then moved to Mariannelund. Simrishamn is a picturesque seaside ancient city preserved from the middle ages. The low fishermen’s houses with a history of three or four hundred years are colorful. In front of and behind each family, marshmallows and climbing roses of various colors are planted. There are many birds. Bicycle lanes are full of fragrant roses, along the coast you can ride to Malmo, a city in southern Sweden. Mariannelund is located in the hinterland of the forest, with endless coniferous forests
and blueberries. Boletus can be picked up by the path paved with sawdust. 



    Luo Fei: How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect you personally in your country and its countermeasures? 

    Liu Lifen: Sweden’s epidemic prevention measures are not mandatory. Swedes consciously follow the advice of epidemiological experts and do not take strict measures such as closing schools
and public places. Compared with the measures taken by China, I am more flustered and don’t know what to do. The gallery where
I worked also remained open at the beginning of the pandemic. Then my daughter and I got sick. I began to be very frightened. I quickly chose to close the door and stay at home for two months. Fortunately, spring came. Stop planning and live your present life quietly. 

    罗菲:今年你最享受的某个地方是哪里?你如何在哪里度过时光,能否描述一 下那里什么样子。 


    Luo Fei:Where is one of the places you enjoy most this year? 

    How do you spend your time there? can you describe what it looks like? 

    Liu Lifen: This year, I spent a lot of time in the wild. While spenting a lot of time and energy with my daughter Moli, I seriously observed every plant, tried to know all kinds of wild vegetables
and berries, and learned to identify mushrooms. We most enjoy
the process of picking and eating. It’s too much and rich. It tastes like returning to the sunshine of Yunnan! Shepherd’s purse, leek, nettle and celery in spring; Summer cherries, raspberries, roses, currants, blueberries, blackberries; Boletus, chanterelle and various mushrooms in autumn. I have tried different methods of each ingredient again and again with the online video. We made dumplings for my daughter’s teachers and our neighbors. Moli also learned to know plants and make strange shaped dumplings. Now it’s winter. Rice noodles are drenched with Boletus oil and with a rose flower cake, which is the feeling of going home! 



    Luo Fei: Where is the farthest place you have been this year? 

    Liu Lifen: moving home, 300 kilometers away, from Simrishamn to Mariannelund. 



    Luo Fei: Who do you live with in 2020? 

    Liu Lifen: I lived together with my daughter Moli. In the early stage of the epidemic, friends came to visit us occasionally and we met in the yard. Friends came and stay also in the summer. Now we have dinner with Anna every day and live a normal life. 



    Luo Fei: How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the way you work? 

    Liu Lifen: Moli is still young, I spent most of my time on my job. I had a fixed time to paint before the pandemic. Since the pandemic, we quarantined ourselves for two months. Then I chose to send Moli to kindergarten like Swedish parents did. It took me three or four months to slowly return to my studio. 



    Luo Fei: Has your work been promoted in some way? 

    Liu Lifen: 2020 is a year of constantly adapting to the new situation and a year of fragmented work. I have just finished sorting out this year’s works, and there are nearly 30 large and small works. I’m not satisfied with many of them. Let it go for a while. 


    刘丽芬:那时每天给国内的家人朋友打电话,看BBC新闻,骑车去画写生,画之前未完成画。整理了一遍作品,部分撕毁,部分裁切了做卡片。再后来和诗人 Goran合作,算是命题作文似的创作。 夏天后我们自己要更长时间面对疫情时,我只能把生活日常过得再具体点,多尝试做家乡味道的食物。

    搬家后我在Filmbyn电影博物馆找到了新工作。由于疫情和季节性,博物馆的开放时间和人员不断缩减,人员职责调整很大,现在博物馆受最新限令关闭 了,开放时间未知。新的工作室刚刚换好灯,冬天可以工作了。

    Luo Fei: Are you more anxious this year than in previous years? If so, how do you relieve your anxiety? 

    Liu Lifen: At that time, I called my family and friends in China every day, watched the BBC news, rode my bike to draw in nature, and painted those unfinished paintings. After finishing the works, some of them were torn and some of them were cut to make cards. Later, I cooperated with the poet Goran, which was like a proposition composition.
We have to face the pandemic after the summer, I can only be more specific in my daily life and try to make more home flavor food.
After moving home, I found a new job at the Filmbyn museum.
Due to theand seasonality, the opening hours and personnel of
the museum are continuously reduced, and the responsibilities of personnel are greatly adjusted. Now the museum is closed under the latest restrictions, and the opening hours are unknown. 

    I just changed some lights in my new studio, so I can work in winter. 

    罗菲:推荐几部这一年你看过的电影或书(也可以是一段诗),也可以简单说下 为什么。 

    刘丽芬:《长袜子皮皮》,《淘气包埃米尔》,《米欧,我的米欧》等林格伦童话。 这两年我对儿童绘本很感兴趣,正好工作的Filmbyn电影博物馆是还原文学大师林格伦的儿童电影拍摄场景/制作的博物馆,我重温了几遍。

    Luo Fei: Recommend some movies or books you have seen this year (or a poem), you can briefly explain why. 

    Liu Lifen: Boken om Pippi Langstrump, Stora Emilboken, Mio min Mio and other Lindgren’s fairy tales. In the past two years, I was very interested in children’s picture books. The Filmbyn museum where I happen to work is a museum to restore the shooting scene / production of children’s films by literature master Astrid Lindgren. I reread them several times. 



    Luo Fei: Have you ever imagined what human life would be like after the end of COVID-19 pandemic? 

    Liu Lifen: I believe it will be easier for people to give strangers a warm hug and, slow down. 

  • 夏华:黑夜的精靈-刘丽芬个展  Xia Hua: Nattalv – Solo exhibition by Liu Lifen 


    藝術家: 劉麗芬

    策    展: 夏華


    開幕時間:10月21日 週四 11-18時


    藝術家劉麗芬新近創作的一批油畫作品,即將在奧斯陸GalleryF48畫廊展出。 展覽命名為« Nattalv »/ «黑夜的精靈»,寓意來自於對她的作品畫面的視覺觀感,另一方面來自於感受之後引發的觸動。

    藝術家麗芬在疫情期間,有更多獨處的時間,與女兒安靜地居住在瑞典。 和所有人一樣,多數的時間,她們與人群和外界暫時隔離。 但與自然有了更加親密的聯繫。 麗芬時常帶著女兒去附件的山林散步,春天採摘野菜,花朵,曬玫瑰茶,釀製玫瑰蜜。 夏天採摘野漿果,做越橘, 覆盆子醬。 到了秋天,就在樹林裡採蘑菇。

    她邊畫下森林圖景和自然的意象,伴隨著密集輕盈的羽毛,種子和蘑菇。 畫面中總是出現的孩子,既像她漸漸長大的女兒,也像毛茸茸的精靈。我相信,這位旅居瑞典的中國女藝術家,在創作完成這批作品時,並沒有準備對某種宏大敘事有所預設,而是心無雜念,依著本心畫畫。 那些終日環繞在日常生活之間的自然和時光,以及藝術家源源不絕的想像力,牽引出了某種空靈和安穩自在。 這些孩子和自然之物成為一個整體,黑色意味著無窮盡的寬厚和力量,這些美麗的生物被置於護佑之中。

    歐洲民間的魔法世界傳說,相當於中國的上古神話«山海經»。 其中關於黑夜精靈的傳說就是一部獨立的史詩。 在挪威語里叫做Nattalv,也喻為群星的孩子。 漫長歷史里的精靈種族經歷過三次戰爭,無非是與邪惡力量,神族權力進行的較量。 我願意只鞠取這個名字本身所附有的寓意,黑夜的精靈是一群具有力量、智慧和不朽源泉的種族,也是自然世界的保護者。 從此意義上說,藝術家筆下的這批黑夜的精靈,記錄的正是從邪惡的病毒世界退回至自然和田園,並繼續成長的美好歲月片段。


    Nattalv – Solo exhibition by Liu Lifen

    Duration: Oct 21 0 Nov 14, 2021

    Opening: 11-18pm, Oct 21, 2021

    Address: Frognerveien 48B. 0266 Oslo

    Foreword by Xia Hua

    The painting series, which is exhibited in Gallery F48, was recently created by the artist Liu Lifen. The exhibition is called “The Night Elf”, which is based on the visual perception of her works of art.

    During the pandemic 2020-2021, the artist Lifen had more time alone and lived quietly with his daughter in Sweden. Like everyone else, they were temporarily isolated from the crowd and the outside world. But it is a more intimate connection with nature. Mora often takes her daughter with her to walk in the nearby fields and forests, they pick wild vegetables, flowers, make rosette and brew rose honey in the spring. They picked wild berries, and made lingonberries and raspberry jam in the summer. In the autumn, they pick mushrooms in the forest.

    Lifen paints pictures of the forest and nature, accompanied by dense and light feathers, seeds and fungi. The child is always shown in the pictures, changed as she grows up, but also as a night elf. I believe that this Chinese female artist was not prepared to assume a specific,magnificent narrative, without distracting thoughts, but followed her original heart, which surrounds her daily life. And meanwhile, as well as in the artist’s endless imagination, Lifen brought out a kind of ethereal calm. These children and natural objects become a whole in the paintings. The black background means infinite generosity and strength, and these beautiful creatures are under protection.

    The European folk legends about the magical world correspond to the ancient Chinese mythology. Among them, the legend of the night rivers is an independent epic. The exhibition is called Nattalv in Norwegian, The Night Elv in English and is also referred to as Stjernenes barn. The elves in the long history have experienced three wars, nothing more than a competition with evil forces and the power of Protoss. I use the meaning attached to the name itself. Night elves are a group with a source of strength, wisdom and immortality, and they are also protectors of the natural world to this day. In this sense, the artist registers nocturnal elves that retreat from the evil virus world to nature and the countryside and continue to grow.